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1.3 | Goal and structure of this book

The aim of this book is to demonstrate hands-on how a BI solution is created, implemented and operationalized using industry best practice. To do that it uses a simple but typical sales data use-case. All demo data and PBIX files can be downloaded from the File repository on GitHub.

Using the demo data, we will touch upon many of the most important concepts when preparing, modelling and visualizing data with Power BI from Microsoft.

The book follows the general implementation workflow and is structured as following:

  • Chapter 2 introduces Power BI, Power Query and the building blocks of a business intelligence solution
  • Chapter 3 starts with the preparation of the demo sales data using Power Query
  • Chapter 4 shows how to build and configure the data model
  • Chapter 5 demonstrates how to create visualizations, reports and most importantly measures using DAX
  • Chapter 6 introduces many important concepts around the usage of the Power BI online platform
  • [Chapter 7][...]
  • Chapter 8

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